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CSO corneal topography

Undoubtedly, CSO high resolution, corneal topography system including updated software, is an essential tool during preoperative check procedure for laser refractive surgery candidates. This specific system performs a complete study and a high precision display – optical scanning of anterior and posterior corneal surface (topography).

CSO topographer  CSO topographer

Pieces of information such as measurements / display of the anterior & posterior corneal surface, corneal pachymetry, visual acuity OPD analysis and simulation, pupil size measurement (pupil diameter), analysis of more than 30,000 points related to the anterior chamber and over 25,000 points for the posterior, colored (with a properly configured color scale) altitudinal map, corneal curvature and convexity, keratometry, refractive power (colored representation), corneal smoothness control, topographic lesions due to contact lenses, only useful can be considered for final conclusions, concerning refractive patient management and final surgical technique selection (PRK, LASIK). It is worth mentioning that CSO topographer system is also used in glaucoma study and keratoconus diagnosis.

CSO topographer  CSO topographer